Thursday 14 August 2008

Brummies galore

Can't quite believe its been 5 months since my last post! Mad! But then things have been!

We are now moved to the West Midlands, and I get to see Craig every evening again! It has been a rough road to get moved we ended up having 2 days notice as the chain was about to fall apart. Also because of people putting ridiculous deadlines completion fell on the day we were going away! So we moved out 2 days b4 (moved the entire lot of stuff our selves!) and I stayed with the in laws for 3 weeks before we could get chance to move down there (again moving ourselves!) Then the hard work began totally redecorating, but we are really getting somewhere now and it definately feels like home.

Its hard work getting to know people again... (and undstanding the accent is tricky!) but we have wonderful neighbours which is a great start!

Thursday 20 March 2008

the unknown

Its all too easy to become comfortable in life isnt it. Yes, there are always things that come to try us in all areas of our life but its easier to overcome those things from the stability of a settled home life.

I guess as a Christian I have always been aware of the need not to become 'comfortable' in my faith or life for that matter. Its easy to slip into the blinkered approach to those in need and I never want to be in that category of people.

I've been thinking such alot about this whole issue recently. With our house now sold it feels like my world has been turned upside down as we don't have a clue where we'll be ending up! Its easy to say that it'll work out but at the moment my job is to be at home raising my daughter so my home is really important, and I think the nesting instinct is still very prominent!!! It feels alien to be uprooting and starting afresh. But despite some set backs in finding a place to live, I feel excited about what is in store. God has his hand on our lives, and we were reminded by someone reading out the passage in Matthew about God taking care of the birds in the trees and the wild flowers, so what is there to worry about. Of course God will take care of us! Putting that into practice is difficult sometimes, but isnt it amazing!

Some one said that "courage isn't the absence of fear, its the mastery of it."

Its time then to move on, to start afresh and to follow God's leading. BRING IT ON!

Wednesday 9 January 2008

A New Year, a New Me???

Happy New Year to you all! (all 3of u who actually read this blog!)

I've snatched a few minutes to myself and have decided that a new year requires a new look blog. While sorting the new blog layout I've been pondering the whole thing of new years resolutions! Many a year I've made resolutions to work harder, to be on time, to budget, to lose weight. Some I've kept to in some shape or form... others really not! And in some ways although I wouldnt call it a resolution I will be joining a slimming club tomorrow night!

So I was musing... is this going to be a new year, a new me? There are many challenges in the year ahead. Yes, losing weight is one. Making a good progress in physio to get good strength and mobility back is another. We'll be moving house to a new area sometime soon hopefully so many a challenge comes with that, but with it much to look forward to. Also I have the immense privaledge of seeing my daughter grow and develop everyday... she is such a blessing and brings me such alot of happiness.

So in some ways, yes there are many challenges and things to bring joy in the year ahead... but a new me? Maybe I'll look better once I shed the excess pounds (which Id like to blame on having a child, but they were already there!), and maybe I'll live somewhere different... but I'm afraid folks, I'm resigned to the fact that it''ll still be the same old me... like it or not! All the faults will still be there what ever resolutions are made, so lets forget striving to be someone we're not and embrace all that is good, bad and unique about us all!!!

All the best for 2008, i hope it brings you much fun and laughter, love and happiness xxx