Thursday 20 March 2008

the unknown

Its all too easy to become comfortable in life isnt it. Yes, there are always things that come to try us in all areas of our life but its easier to overcome those things from the stability of a settled home life.

I guess as a Christian I have always been aware of the need not to become 'comfortable' in my faith or life for that matter. Its easy to slip into the blinkered approach to those in need and I never want to be in that category of people.

I've been thinking such alot about this whole issue recently. With our house now sold it feels like my world has been turned upside down as we don't have a clue where we'll be ending up! Its easy to say that it'll work out but at the moment my job is to be at home raising my daughter so my home is really important, and I think the nesting instinct is still very prominent!!! It feels alien to be uprooting and starting afresh. But despite some set backs in finding a place to live, I feel excited about what is in store. God has his hand on our lives, and we were reminded by someone reading out the passage in Matthew about God taking care of the birds in the trees and the wild flowers, so what is there to worry about. Of course God will take care of us! Putting that into practice is difficult sometimes, but isnt it amazing!

Some one said that "courage isn't the absence of fear, its the mastery of it."

Its time then to move on, to start afresh and to follow God's leading. BRING IT ON!