Tuesday 30 October 2007

Rebekah Lucy!

well its nearly six weeks since my last post, and I can't belive how different things are now. Even 4 days before my due date i was insanely uncomfortable - and Rebekah eventually decided to make an appearance 10 days late! To say that I was desparate for some1 to intervene would be a major understatement! Everyone knew I was having a big baby coz my bump was HUGE and nearly off the measurement scale at the midwifes, but even I didnt count on just how big she would be!

As it happened labour started naturally but was soooo long. From beginning to end over 36hours. 17 of which I was in hospital for. It was a difficult time and I don't remember a great deal of what happened due to the effects of diamorphine and 3 cannisters of Entinox (fabulous stuff!) and drugs to start contractions off again! I was as high as a kite! Craig was a rock throughout and was fabulous... even holding me on a birth ball for the best part of 3 hours because I couldnt stay upright! (I dont remember much of that!) And apparently I came too at one point and had forgotton I was in hospital and forgotton I was having a baby!

Eventually Rebekah Lucy came into the world weighing a whopping 10lbs 8 ozs! She is an absolute angel - and I cant believe she is ours. Its such a miracle and I can sit looking at her for hours. Motherhood is hard work of course but there is so much to marvel at, and sooo much to look forward too.

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