Thursday 2 August 2007

Too long to go...

This pregnancy thing is getting me down today - I so desperately want to meet the baby, find out if its a boy or girl, what he or she is like and all that sort of thing. And there is just tooo long to wait!!!

The other thing is I'm sick of not being comfortable. by 9pm I'm so uncomfortable I go and lie down and watch telly in bed. But then after going to sleep I wake up with intense pain down the edge of both legs! and it doesnt go away for the rest of the night. Ggggrrrrr! Apparently its a pregnancy thing and probably won't go away till after the baby is born. Ahh well.... it will all be worth it!

Moan over now - its just a little much sometimes when I'm so tired! Today I shall be doing some tidying and organising in the nursery. People have already got us so much - its lovely!!! The clothes are all washed and in the little drawers, and hopefully we'll out up some cute paintings I did soon. Hehehe!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That sounds awful. I don't think I've ever been more glad to be a bloke! Hope you're being thoroughly pampered!